Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Here is a great post on resolutions by one of my faves stumptuous.

The New Year is always the most popular time to make weight loss/fitness resolutions. However, its only the right time if its the right time for YOU and not just because you pigged out at Xmas.
Personally, I believe in small changes=big results! I challenge you to make small goals instead of massive ones. Decide to cook at home more often, or take up a sport or activity. How about drinking more water (thats mine!) or going to the gym with a friend! Pretty soon you won't be able to imagine life without it.
I feel a little preachy here, but since I've been dieting since my young teenage years, I know what has stuck with me and why. Believe me when I say, all or nothing is not the way to go! Whatever you do, make that one thing a priority and then move to the next thing when you have it down!


  1. So... I totally started hitting the gym. Nothing else, just making sure I hit the gym _least_ 2-3 times a week last fall (2008). I'm now down somewhere between 20-30 lbs and feel great! The goal is to do a marathon by age 30... So I've got about 2.5 years to go. :)

  2. You are awesome!! I read your facebook updates about going on runs and I always press "like". hehe.
    That's such an inspiration that you lost that much! How much did you alter your eating to see those results?
    If you want to do a marathon you'll want to add in some strength workouts if you aren't already, just to make sure your legs are strong and to minimize injury! if you need any advice just ask!!
    Congrats once again :o)
